December Adventure
Table of Contents
1. Day 1
Realizing it is December already and having been on a decent (for me at least) streak of working on 65cha02 and Org Roam usage, I decide to take part in the December Adventure!
For today's adventure I'll just set up this page on Sourcehut Pages.
This is quite difficult, because Org is fucking ancient, so it can't just be as simple as running one command, you have to figure out what the heck org-publish-project-alist
This is the official example configuration:
(setq org-publish-project-alist '(("org" :base-directory "~/org/" :publishing-function org-html-publish-to-html :publishing-directory "~/public_html" :section-numbers nil :with-toc nil :html-head "<link rel=\"stylesheet\" href=\"../other/mystyle.css\" type=\"text/css\"/>")))
It uses absolute paths, so that's already a red flag. Trying to place it in .dir-locals.el
leads to a listp
error. StackOverflow (btw, fuck that company) recommends either eval
-ing a function that I define elsewhere, or writing a bespoke exporter script in Elisp. Since the whole point is that I don't want to pollute my (Doom) Emacs config with anything project-specific, I opt for the latter.
I realize that the answer giver obviously did not run their code, because it references a nonexistent variable.
In the process I converted all the old links in my memex that were just [[...]]
, which in Org means that there is no description for the link. I initially tried to do it with sed
, like so:
git ls-files wiki/ -z | xargs -0 sed -i 's/\[\[\([^\[\]]*\)\]\]/\1/g'
Fun fact: -iE
does not mean -i -E
, it instead creates backup files with E
as their suffix, re-learned that the hard way.
Anyways, that did not work, feel free to figure out why, I have no idea. Instead I wrote a short Lua script that did the same thing, except much better and way more readable.
#!/usr/bin/env lua for _, path in ipairs({...}) do local out = assert(".new", "w")) local file = assert( for line in file:lines() do out:write((line:gsub("(%[%[([^%[%]]-)%]%])", function(all, link) -- internal links and links to files are kept as is if link:match("^[%w%s]+$") or link:match("$") then return all else return link end end )),"\n") end assert(file:close()) assert(out:flush()) assert(out:close()) assert(os.rename(path..".new", path)) end
Note to self: gg0VG
selects the whole file in Vim and Doom in evil-mode
Another neat Emacs finding: you can move a file that is open in a buffer using Dired's rename (R
in Doom) and it will automatically update the buffer to point to the new file!
You don't even have to specify the name if you are moving it to a directory, it works just like the mv
command does!
Alright, I just moved this file to a publish
directory for now, I guess once I Roam-ify all my links the directory structure won't matter.
Time to tar
it up and publish it with hut
Not so fast! Tried to add an index page and got another link error. Turns out I need to add yet another step to the publisher script: org-html-export-to-html: Unable to resolve link
And of course that leads to another error about org-element--cache-active-p
being void
. Maybe related to this bug report?
Annnd another bug, I can't paste the clipboard contents to Emacs. So now I can't paste the bug report's URL.
{BUG} org-agenda: definition is void: org-element–cache-active-p
Okay, it was at the end of the kill-ring when I pressed M-y
. But org-cliplink
did not process it.
Anyways, adding (require 'org-element)
fixed it.
It's so late that I could start writing day 2's entry, haha ha ha … ha …… haaa. Why is Emacs like this.
Annnd another snag
# wrong, tar will have a _pages directory at the top level ./org-publish && tar --create --gzip _pages | hut pages publish -d # correct, tar will have the files from _pages at the top level ./org-publish && (cd _pages; tar --create --gzip .) | hut pages publish -d # or even nicer ./org-publish && tar --directory=_pages --create --gzip . | hut pages publish -d
Now it's finally published! Welcome to Csepp's stuff! (name and custom domain pending)
Okay, last addition: made today's entry into a proper Org heading with an ID, so I can permalink to it.
Now I should really go to sleep!
2. Day 2
Made a little progress during lunch refining the EWoz monitor. Looked through the code a bit more and made some inital changes, but its formatting doesn't play nicely with Emacs's assembly-mode
, so I'm going to reformat it first, to make the commits nice and atomic.
I observed some input handling code that I can probably safely remove - like backspace handling - since the web frontend will take care of it. But… maybe I should keep it in, if I keep the API then someone might make a frontend that sends raw ASCII to backend. But I should add a way to delete the contents of the input buffer and also one for soft resetting back into the monitor.
I suppose hard resetting could be added too, it would keep most of the memory, but load the monitor again and jump to it.
3. Day 3
I conked out early yesterday, so the first task today is to upload yesterday's notes.
Hhh okay, didn't write any code on my lunch break and now it's well past midnight. Going to at least do the formatting.
Upon looking at the EWoz source further, I realize it doesn't even follow cc65's syntax. What gives? I check out the link in the file header, it's dead. But the Wayback Machine still has this old thread! It looks like the Github gist I found was a simple copy-paste of the forum post.
I decide to use the plain wozmon source instead and build on that.
While editing it I change course again: no more in-RAM ring buffer. It's pointless, even though I put a lot of time into it. 6502 programmers will likely be more comfortable using the ACIA, so instead I choose to add a buffer to i6502's rudimentary ACIA implementation. Well, I can still reuse the ring buffer code.
I also found where EWoz was used: Not a 6502, but some weird clone.
Hmm, actually, let's keep the ring buffers. The reason I went with this design was to make concurrent RAM writes slightly less chaotic. Users can still move the buffers around.
Alright, so let's rework Wozmon then.
Do I need to keep its internal input buffer? Since it works one line at a time… maybe not? But then I have to make sure it only pops from the input buffer when necessary.
True facepalm moment: while looking at the addresses for the ring buffers I realized why I was getting that weird corruption. The start of the output buffer was calculated as input+capacity
, but the whole ring buffer data structure is actually 2+capacity
large, because of the offset and length fields. Duh. Adjusting the Go and asm code to reflect that and testing if the bug is still present… first calculating the address ($302+$FF
) by hand and then checking it with M-x calc
… yup, correct.
Note: d 6
switches to hexadecimal mode, but input is still decimal, enter hex values as 16#FF
, the part before the #
is the radix.
It doesn't work… but that's because I also switched the ring buffers around to start from $200
instead of $300
, fixing that on the Go side, re-running.
Huh… very peculiar. Once the output fills it stops copying the input, instead of dropping old bytes from the output. Let's investigate.
Found the archivd page of the assembler that was used for EWoz. This newer snapshot is what I first tried, weird to think that ISPs used to provide web hosting for everyone.
Okay, that should be enough for today, time to sleep, my partner has been asleep for 2 hours already.
4. Day 4
Today I'm on a meeting first that is… mildly interesting, so I can do some hacking in the meantime.
Testing ringecho.s
again, one problem was that I was using the wrong offset for .org
. Copying works again, but testing more thoroughly reveals that it doesn't quite works as expected, or maybe .Peek()
doesn't work right. When the output is expected to be full of a
characters and I input a 1
it doesn't get appended at the end, only near it. Also the output still seems to grow. Very odd.
Let's add some debug output to the frontend that shows the length and offset of each buffer.
Meeting over, was more interesting than expected.
5. Days 5-7
I don't think I did any decadv related, sadly. But I did go climbing and did have a LAN party with friends. Not a complete loss, but I wish I scheduled better. I should have had at least 30 minutes a day for this.
6. Day 8
Not directly December Adventure related maybe, but I did work on my thesis. I finished it last semester already, now I just made sure that it still builds. Made it a bit easier to reproduce and fixed a few Bash programming issues. It's well past midnight, so I will resist the temptation of wanting to work on 65cha02
too. Maybe I'll read the source code of WozMon a bit, but that's it.
7. Days 9-10
Didn't do much project related, but I'm fine with that, I went climbing and to a company party and played squash, so I think I spent my time well. Did a tiny bit of Wozmon reading and partially rewatched Ben Eeater's video, but that's it.
8. Day 11
Will try to do more Wozmon work. Honestly might just reimplement it in C. Hmm, nah, too much work to get it working on a custom platform, and besides, that ruins the fun, at least for me.
9. Day 12
Did at least some work, hooray! I started porting over the ring buffer routines into WozMon while I was on the bus. Haven't tried running it yet. I think I'll only leave a bit of WozMon, it makes a lot of assumptions about the hardware and is very tightly tangled, so it's better if I just extract the bits I need and make them more reusable and then splice it together with my code.
10. Day 12-18
Radio silence and tumbleweeds.
11. Day 19
Did a bit of work in a new file, started copying definitions into it. Going to leave wozmon.s
as is, so that I have a reference to look at, instead of modifying it in-place.
12. Day 20
Today I will work on my memex instead. Finally trying out Org Roam UI. The graph view was atrocious. I mean, the graph itself was atrocious and the graph view revealed that, although I have suspected it for a long while. The biggest graph component only had 3 nodes in a line. The core idea of a memex is that links between notes are just as – or even more – important than their contents, so a graph of disconnected nodes is not really useful.
Worked a bit on cseppmon.s
on my bus ride, the mode parsing is starting to make sense.
13. Retrospective (2025-01-17)
Welp, I did my best. My final exam took priority after a while, so I'm not too sad about not doing any challenges, that was enough of an adventure anyway.
I'm continuing 65cha02
development now that I'm done with my degree.