
Table of Contents

1. my memex

1.1. publishing

Since my memex was private for a long time, I don't just want to publish all of it, with all the embarrassing personal stuff. I only publish pages in the publish subdirectory and am slowly moving pages there. One nice Org Mode feature is that it errors on broken internal links, so if I accidentally link to a non-public page from a public one, I can catch that and plug the metadata leak. But this also means that I have to move linked pages manually. I recently (<2025-01-22 sze>) extended my publish script to help me with that task. Bash is still horrible but I know it well enough that it was the fastest way to cobble this together.

1.2. roadmap

1.2.1. TODO exporting use this as basis for exporting

1.2.2. styling

  1. TODO internal vs external links

2. meta

2.2. The Memex Method – Pluralistic: Daily links from Cory Doctorow

The genius of the blog was not in the note-taking, it was in the publishing. The act of making your log-file public requires a rigor that keeping personal notes does not. Writing for a notional audience — particularly an audience of strangers — demands a comprehensive account that I rarely muster when I’m taking notes for myself.

Author: Csepp

Created: 2025-01-22 sze 20:09
